The Street Always Wins: 2015 in Film

Had we ever seen an animated film as emotionally dense as Inside Out? Had a seventy plus year old director ever made an action movie as on edge and youthful as Mad Max: Fury Road? Did The Big Short make our understanding of the financial system even more tragically comic? The fact that these and many more questions exist prove that 2015 was very much so a solid year for movies.

Galaxy Quests: The Unlikely Trilogy of Gravity, Interstellar, and The Martian

A curious trio of films in the last few years has popped up in the wake of innumerable spandex spectacles: Gravity (2013), Interstellar (2014), and The Martian (2015). The similarities and differences that exist between these three works show three directors wrestling with an industry that prizes countless mutants and super soldiers over the intricate spectrum that is human emotion and its place in a greater cosmos.

Tunnel Vision: Sicario Review

Sicario, the latest crime thriller from director Denis Villeneuve, brilliantly translates this artistic challenge into a societal one, boxing its protagonists in such a world that rejects ascendancy in favor of concentrated stagnation, with some moments encouraging outright regression.

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