Overlapping Dialogue Episode 6: Syriana

For our sixth episode, we decided to dive right into perhaps the quintessential example of 2000s hyperlink cinema: 2005's Syriana. We explore the genre's function as both entertainment and journalism, puzzle over what the heck happened to the career of Stephen Gaghan, gaze longingly at the paunch of George Clooney, and take general delight in... Continue Reading →

Overlapping Dialogue Episode 5: Waves

We're back (not a dinosaur story) with our fifth and longest episode yet on 2019's Waves, the latest film from writer-director Trey Edwards Shults! Our conversation explores the ins and outs of one of the most exciting films of recent years, what exactly the presence and success of A24 says about the health of contemporary American cinema, parse the meaning of "the drama" in the context of an ever-shifting industry, and every so briefly address the artistry of one Kanye West.

Overlapping Dialogue Episode 4: Snow Day

Strap-on the longjohns and lace up your winter boots...we're fixing to have ourselves a Snow Day! Listen to two dumb blondes talk about 90s and 00s children's entertainment, the many joys of Chris Elliott, the even greater failures of Chevy Chase, and Iggy Pop's mysterious love of Al Martino, all while struggling to come up with a convincing enough reason for why they're revisiting a mediocre and largely forgettable kids comedy from the early 00s. Maybe one day we'll get around to Max Keeble's Big Move...

Overlapping Dialogue Episode 3: The Invisible Man

For our third episode, we decided to go full incognito (#fiendmode) with an audio commentary of The Invisible Man, James Whale's 1933 addition to the Universal Monsters movie canon. We explore Levi's love and passion for the studio's influential slate of horror films, take delight in the talkie debut of the great Claude Rains, and parse the relative worth of driving yourself and those around you mad thanks to your seemingly useless invisibility potion. (Dude was born to be a Twitter reply guy/thought leader, Lamborghini lurkin' in the shadows, but alas...)

Overlapping Dialogue Episode 2: American Graffiti

We're cruising for a bruising with our second episode on American Graffiti, George Lucas's 1973 coming-of-age classic. We explore where this film fits into Lucas's own groundbreaking career, the soundtrack that's defined a generation, and whether or not street racer Bob Falfa (Harrison Ford) is in fact a serial killer.

Overlapping Dialogue Episode 1: Jurassic Park

I do have a new exciting project to share that more than tickles my cinephile funny bone. My brother and I recently just started a new podcast called Overlapping Dialogue, where we record audio commentaries for films that in some way fascinate us. We spared no expense with our very first episode. Up first is Steven Spielberg's 1993 adaptation of Michael Crichton's dinosaur epic, Jurassic Park!

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